Ring Resizing…
I’ve made the tricky decision to start charging for my Ring Resizing Service.
Until now I’ve offered it as a free service but over the last year, the amount of resizes I’ve needed to do has jumped up to a level that means I’m losing too much money. Some weeks I’ve spent a whole day doing resizes, and when you factor in the additional postages costs that I was meeting, it became clear that something needed to change.
My first approach was to try and encourage my customers to check their size before ordering – by adding links to the sizer and advice on sizing on my listings, and also on the notes with purchase. However, I know that often my rings are bought as surprise gifts, and so sizing isn’t always possible. I also think that sometimes, people can’t wait and want to order asap – I’m cool with that too! Instead, I’ve decided to meet everyone in the middle.
So from today, I’m now making a small charge for resizing. The small cost is a contribution towards the time it takes to resize and it mainly covers the postage to send it back you. Resized Rings will almost always be sent back Special Delivery*, which, although expensive, gives us both the security that your ring will arrive back safely through the post. It also means I save time on admin – the resizes are logged via my ordering system which generates timescales etc for me so it’s one less place for me to collate my workflow from. Win!
For both me and you, the ideal is that we don’t need a ring resize at all so I’ve decided to continue offering a free service for some customers. If you add a ring sizer from me, measure your finger using it and still find your maramjewellery ring needs resized I will do it free of charge. So it’s well paying a couple of pounds to invest in a sizer to save you money later! You can buy the ring sizer here, or opt to add it for free while purchasing.
I’m also going to see what else I can do to make the whole sizing thing more simple. Although the sizer gauge is my number one recommendation, I’m also trying hard to help those who are looking to surprise others with a thoughtful gift. I know there are apps and websites where you can print out and place a sized ring on but so far I haven’t found one that’s 100% reliable so if you know of one that’s tried and tested let me know!